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Therefore, when these conquered enemies renew the war, they can do nothing except move God to laughter.

The Works of Martin Luther. Selected commentaries on the Psalms, Volume Three, Psalm 2

The Works of Martin Luther book cover

The Works of Martin Luther

ISBN: 978-1-57085-069-1

Language: English

MARC Records

Martin Luther. Engraving by William Holl the Younger, from a portrait by Lucas Cranach the Elder. Frontispiece: Vol. I, D'Aubigne's History of the Reformation, published by Blackie and Son, 1846

List of Contents

The 55-volume set of Luther's Works, a monumental translation project published jointly by Fortress Press and Concordia Publishing House in 1957, is singular in its value to church historians, Luther scholars, and Christians. This truly exquisite offering will put the entire Luther corpus at the command of a few keystrokes and provide the reader with a Luther resource unrivaled in accessibility and convenience. Luther's Works in digital format is indispensable for studies of Luther and invaluable to theologians.

The first thirty volumes contain Luther's expositions of various biblical books, while remaining volumes include his Reformation writings and occasional pieces. The final volume of the set contains an index of quotations, proper names, and topics, and a list of corrections and changes.

Luther, Martin. Luther's Works. General Editor, Vols. 1-30, Jaroslav Pelikan. General Editor, Vols. 31-55, Helmut T. Lehmann. 55 vols. Philadelphia : Fortress Press; and Saint Louis : Concordia Publishing House, 1955-86.

  • Vols. 1-8. Lectures on Genesis
  • Vol. 9. Lectures on Deuteronomy
  • Vols. 10-14. Selected commentaries on the Psalms
  • Vol. 15. Lectures on Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and the Last Words of David
  • Vols. 16-17. Lectures on Isaiah
  • Vols. 18-20. Lectures on the Minor Prophets
  • Vol. 21. Sermon on the Mount and the Magnificat
  • Vols. 22-24. Sermons on St. John
  • Vol. 25. Lectures on Romans
  • Vols. 26-27. Lectures on Galatians
  • Vols. 28-29. Selected Pauline Epistles
  • Vol. 30. The Catholic Epistles
  • Vols. 31-34. Career of the Reformer
  • Vols. 35-38. Word and Sacrament
  • Vols. 39-41. Church and Ministry
  • Vols. 42-43. Devotional Writings
  • Vols. 44-47. Christian in Society
  • Vols. 48-50. Letters
  • Vols. 51-52. Sermons
  • Vol. 53. Liturgy and Hymns
  • Vol. 54. Table Talk
  • Vol. 55. Index

  • Notes

    Martin Luther stands as one of the most significant figures in Western history. His distinction as the father of the Protestant Reformation is augmented by his innovative use of new technology (the printing press), his translation of the Christian Bible into the vernacular, and his impact upon European society. Born in 1483 to middle-class parents in Saxony, eastern Germany, he became an Augustinian monk, a priest, a professor of biblical literature, a reformer, a husband and father. He died in 1546 after having witnessed the birth of a renewal movement that would result in a profound shift in faith, politics, and society. He has been both praised and vilified for what he preached and wrote. His thought continues to influence all Christians and to animate the movement that bears his name.

    Jaroslav Pelikan was Sterling Professor of History Emeritus at Yale University. He was the author of more than thirty books, including The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, widely acknowledged as the foremost history of its kind, and, more recently, Mary Through the Centuries. He received honorary degrees from universities all over the world, as well as medals and awards from many scholarly societies and institutions, including the Jefferson Award of the National Endowment for the Humanities, the highest honor conferred by the U.S. government on a scholar in the humanities. He was immediate past president of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

    Dr. Helmut T. Lehmann, internationally known historian, teacher, and Martin Luther scholar, earned his ThD from Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen, Germany. He was a Schieren Professor Emeritus of History of Christianity at The Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. As Book Editor at Muhlenberg Press, Philadelphia, a publishing division of the United Lutheran Church in America, he served as General Editor of the American Edition of Luther's Works (Volumes 31-55). Dr. Lehmann also guided development of the Facet Book Series (1962-73), short volumes which helped to establish the publishing organization's strong reputation in the area of biblical studies. Dr. Lehmann served ten years as Editor-In-Chief of Fortress Press.

For both quick reference and thoughtful study this cannot be beat. ... Pastors, scholars and interested laypeople can acquire a first-rate collection...

—Mark U. Edwards Jr.
Christian Century
January 16-23, 2002

Every Lutheran seminarian and pastor needs this collection.... I am in bliss.

—Bob Schaefer, M.Div. student
Luther Seminary
St. Paul, Minnesota

Greatly inspired by the depths of Luther's insight.... As Lutherans we have an asset here and we should never forget that.

—Dale L. Johnson
Salem Lutheran Church
Rockford, Illinois