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Open quotes
SAM So we may stop honest men, Sir.

DASHIT There's no such thing within the Walls of London, ye Rogue; there's nothing but Knaves, Cheats, Cuckolds and Traytors, Thieves and Pickpockets, tho I be one of the Livery. A Pox of Honesty, my Plate's gone, the Reckoning unpaid, I'm cheated and undone! therefore run, ye Dog, run.

The Works of Aphra Behn. The Revenge, Act I, Scene I

The Works of Aphra Behn. Electronic Edition. book cover

The Works of Aphra Behn. Electronic Edition.

ISBN: 978-1-57085-653-2

Language: English

MARC Records

Aphra Behn. Line Engraving, published 1822. By James Fittler, after Thomas Uwins. By permission, National Portrait Gallery, London

List of Contents

Behn, Aphra. The Works of Aphra Behn. Edited by Janet Todd. 7 vols. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2000-2001.

  • Vol. 1: Poetry

  • Vol. 2: Love-letters Between A Nobleman And His Sister

  • Vol. 3: The Fair Jilt and Other Stories

  • Vol. 4: Reflections on Morality or Seneca Unmasqued and Other Prose Translations

  • Vol. 5: The Plays, 1671-1677

    • The Forc'd Marriage
    • The Amorous Prince
    • The Dutch Lover
    • Abdelazer
    • The Town-fopp
    • The Debauchee
    • The Rover
  • Vol. 6: The Plays, 1678-1682

    • Sir Patient Fancy
    • The Feign'd Curtizans
  • Vol. 7: The Plays, 1682-1696

    • The City-heiress
    • The Young King
    • The Emperor Of The Moon
    • The Lucky Chance
    • The Widdow Ranter
    • The Younger Brother


Janet Todd is the Francis Hutcheson Professor of English Literature, University of Glasgow, and the author of many books, including The Secret Life of Aphra Behn (1996) and Mary Wollstonecraft: A Revolutionary Life (2000).

Todd’s "The Works of Aphra Behn" presents Behn’s fiction with the full apparatus it deserves, hitherto only found in editions of her drama or her most famous novel, "Oroonoko." Todd compliments her critical introductions with detailed critical and textual notes, reproductions of original title pages and other relevant contemporary images, and in case of the "Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister," extensive appendixes containing source material and variants. . . . The available volumes of Todd’s edition help define the role of women in issues that currently preoccupy many Romantic scholars. . . . I hope this new, superior edition of Behn’s work will stimulate more studies of this type.

—Catherine Decker
"The Wordsworth Circle"