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PITHY QUOTE FROM Martineau: Collected Letters

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I am glad to hear you say that you will make some use of the Indian Evidence. It is a vast treasure of material for the understanding of life in India, extending far beyond the common sanitary elements. Look what men are the speakers, – Lawrence, Trevelyan, & almost every eminent man there! All this, – collected with such pains & cost of every kind, – suppressed by the trickery of two or three knaves for purposes of their own convenience!

The Collected Letters of Harriet Martineau. Letters 1863-1876, To Henry Reeve, 3 Octr 1863

The Collected Letters of Harriet Martineau. Electronic Edition. book cover

The Collected Letters of Harriet Martineau. Electronic Edition.

ISBN: 978-1-57085-065-3

Language: English

MARC Records

Harriet Martineau. Chalk drawing by George Richmond, c. 1849

List of Contents

Martineau, Harriet. The Collected Letters of Harriet Martineau. General editor, Deborah Anna Logan. Advisory editor, Valerie Sanders. 5 vols. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2007.

  • Vol. 1. Early Years
  • Vol. 2. 1830s and 1840s
  • Vols. 3-4. 1850s and early 1860s
  • Vol. 5. Late 1860s and 1870s

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English Bibliographer for the Humanities
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Widener Library
Harvard University